ISSN 1612-3352

Editors in Chief

Prof. Dr. Claus F. Claussen, Neurootological Research Institute of the Research Society for Smell, Taste, Hearing and Equilibrium Disorders at Bad Kissingen (4-G-F). Bad Kissingen, Germany.
Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Production Managers

Dr. med. Julia M. Bergmann,
Dr. med. Guillermo O. Bertora,
Otoneuroophthalmological Neurophysiology,
Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Associated Editors

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Archive by date

Year 2001

Stabilometria e patologia a.t.m.

Dai dati della Letteratura e dalle discussioni in merito alla relazione esistente tra apparato stomatognatico e postura, si può dedurre che una patologia a carico di una delle componenti del sistema stomatognatico può modificare l’equilibrio, influenzando le afferenze propriocettive degli altri distretti. I disordini cranio mandibolari possono causare disturbi funzionali della colonna cervicale. Durante la […]

A treatement protocol for tinnitus

INTRODUCTION: Tinnnitus is a real therapeutical emergency for ENT clinicians, one of the biggest problem is to have the opportunity to start giving drugs as soon as possible; we started from a few mounths a new kind of e.v. therapy and we realyzed that it gives good results in an unbilivable percentage of cases and […]

A new method for the reabilitation training of vertigo with virtual reality

Our objective is to verify the possibility of applying the new technology in creating locations in VR to the field of rehabilitation. To test the application of VR on our patients we used a virtual reality helmet commercially sold. The rehabilitation training is divided in two phases: “passive” and “active”. “Passive phase”: the patient is […]

Nucleus multichannel cochlear implantation in obliterated cochleas using the steenerson procedure

Obliteration of cochlea either by fibrous or osseous tissue is not a rare occurrence in cochlear implant candidates and it was once considered a contraindication to cochlear implantation (Balkany 1987; Luxford 1987). Obliteration may occur as consequence of the pathology of meningitis, chronic otitis media, severe otosclerosis, autoimmune inner ear diseases and temporal bone traumas. […]

Variante atipica del nistagmo di posizionamento nella vertigine parossistica posizionale benigna del canale semicircolare poste

Un nistagmo parossistico posizionale (Ny.P.P.) caratterizzato da un pattern oculomotorio compatibile con una deflessione ampullifuga della cupola del canale semicircolare posteriore (p.s.c.) e da caratteristiche temporali in accordo con il modello della canololitiasi labirintica , rappresenta attualmente l’elemento diagnostico di certezza della variante atipica ampullifuga della Vertigine Parossistica Posizionale Benigna (p.s.c.-B.P.P.V.). Tuttavia , in alcuni […]

Ntratympanic dexamethasone treatment (idt) for control of subjective idiopathic tinnitus (sit) :our clinical experience

We summarize our clinical experience with intratympanic dexamethasone treatment (IDT) for control of tinnitus. From March 2000 through February 2001, 54 patients (23 females, 31males; mean age 49,6±7,2 yy; range 24-71 yy) suffering from subjective idiopathic tinnitus (SIT) have been observed. After that the common audiological tests had been performed, all the patients underwent to […]

Impianto cocleare: iter selettivo nel bambino e nell’adolescente

L’iter selettivo, tanto per il bambino quanto per l’adolescente, per accedere all’Impianto Cocleare è un cammino le cui tappe principali possono essere così riassunte: – Indagine anamnestica – Bilancio audiologico – Bilancio logopedico – Indagini per immagini – Tests elettrofisiologici – Couselling famigliare…………………

La riabilitazione dell’adolescente sordo preverbale

L’Impianto cocleare che ha nei sordi postverbali e nei bambini impiantati precocemente i suoi candidati ideali, deve oggi confrontarsi con un’altra categoria di pazienti, sicuramente più difficili, come gli adolescenti sordi preverbali. Per questi ultimi, la terapia riabilitativa e le performances che si possono ottenere hanno una vasta variabilità sia sotto l’aspetto quantitativo che qualitativo […]

Navigation test

The balance system allows to our body to have a right relation with environment, this is probably due by different structures that collaborate to maintain the correct voluntary posture during erect position and the clear vision of the ambience; with regard to its synergetic purpose the balance system can therefore be schematised on the base […]

Tinnitus and dexamethasone

In this study, we investigated the results of intratympanic dexamethasone infusion for treatment of subjective idiopathic tinnitus (SIT). Its etiopathogenesis is uncertain and frequently its origin can be connected with cochlear latent disorders, cito-neural disfunctions and sometimes central nervous system diseases. To recognize the origin of (SIT) every patient was studied by means of common […]



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